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Nominees must have a minimum of 1 year practice in the martial arts and has advanced beyond the beginner level.
All nominees may be asked to demonstrate their skills at the Hall of Fame event.
Never consider placing a nomination for anyone just to build their self confidence/esteem.
This is a direct insult in the true meaning of HALL OF FAME induction awards.

We encourage all nominators to observe the prospective nominee over the past 9 months before making your decision.
Only the best are worthy.
Below there are some information on some categories when considering making these nominations.

“Self nominations will not be considered”

All categories that require documentation must be typed in Times Roman 12 font.
Hand written documentation will not be accepted.
Verification from this office will be performed at the earliest possible time.

For more information, please contact the United States Martial Artists Association Headquarters.

Categories and Qualifications

The Judith B. Rankin Nintai Award Nominee must have been, or still be with an organization (dojo, academy, school, etc.,) for no less than ten years. This establishes commitment. Nominee must be an active lifetime member of the USMAA. When nominating a person, there shall be a minimum of three (3) people involved in the process. The nominee should be recognizable to more than one person. These three people shall list individually, and submit, a formal letter for consideration to Hanshi William Rankin. Every attribute must be satisfied, or an immediate disqualification will be issued. All qualities are to be met, without question, to be considered. The nominee shall be the embodiment of all the Virtues, not just the eighth, which is NINTAI. Nominee shall think lightly of themselves, but deeply for others….consistently. Nominee shall have the ability to speak the truth, then face the truth. Nominee shall have the absolute innate ability to inspire others for the betterment of all. Nominee shall be an Ambassador in life, as well as the chosen art form in which they practice. Nominee shall never be boastful. Humility and respect shall be a Hallmark of their respective life. Award will go to that particular individual whom has looked at death and persevered in the face of it. Is not afraid to take that extra step regardless of their present condition. Will never complain about their situation but will move forward in spite of it. Nominations for this category will be sent to the group that originated this category. For further details regarding this category, contact Grandmaster Rankin. All documentation must be validated by the board.

In Memory Of A martial artist that had an impact on the martial arts community. It is our intentions to place these individuals in the place of honor. We will attempt to honor all nominations as possible.

Man of the Year Award is for both the man that is a practitioner and the man that is not a martial artist. Both have made a tremendous impact on the studio/school/academy and the community. A complete written justification must be submitted with the nomination.

Breaking Practitioner of the Year Breaking is this person’s main interest. Practicing to fulfill what embodies the true nature, strength of the martial arts. To be able to describe what breaking objects means to the martial artist.

Woman of the Year Award is for both the woman that is a practitioner and the man that is not a martial artist. Both have made a tremendous impact on the studio/school/academy and the community. A complete written justification must be submitted with the nomination.

Breaking Competitor of the Year When competing, this individual must demonstrate the true nature of breaking in competition. Too many competitors take too long to initiate the break which denatures what breaking is all about. Must be able to address the objects within 5 seconds then proceed with the break. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor

Inspiration of the Year Must submit an in-depth letter of justification. Must be specific on details. Dates, times, location how did the community benefit. ​Must be 2 pages of 12 font size times roman. Hand written documentation will not be accepted.

Instructor of the Year This award is for the instructor that gives 100% direction to the student. He/she also has demonstrated they have true desires to see the success of the students. The instructor must show compassion in the truest form. This person does not give false praise but allows the student to excel with honest constructive instruction and honest praise.

Most Dedicated Black Belt of the Year Any individual with the rank of 1st degree black belt or higher that has performed above the normal duties of a black belt. Students enjoy and talk about how they wish to be just like this black belt one day. An extremely high Honor

Ambassador of the Year This individual has present themselves as an Ambassador of a country should. Has worked with people of prominence, either in the political field or martial artists that represent various countries. Be specific why these individuals are worthy of representing their country. No hand written documentation accepted. Type in times roman with a 12 font

Associate Instructor of the Year This person has the same criteria as the instructor. This person also steps up to the position of the instructor without being call to take over. Embodies the true nature of what the martial arts instructor stands for.

Most Dedicated Under Black Belt of the Year Any individual under the rank of 1st degree black belt that has performed above the normal duties as an under belt regardless of that belt level. Students enjoy and talk about how they wish to be just like this person one day. An extremely high Honor

International Director's Award This award is presented from the director’s desk for those who have gone beyond the normal duties of representing the association. The director has observed activities of this worthy person/s in every aspect, whether they are a director of state, region or highly active within the association

Student of the Year This student has demonstrated the desire to learn. Has raised his/her skills above all other students within his/her school/academy. All other students look up tho this person with admiration. This student has never bragged about their talents and has also assisted the instructor when called upon.

Outstanding Martial Artist of the Year This is a very special person in every regard of the martial arts. This person must be highly involved with the perfection of the movements and can instruct others. Walks and talks with their head raised high and proud. Never brags or boasts of their own accomplishments.

Pioneer of the Year A pioneer is one who has forged the way for others to emulate. They must be known in the majority part of the world. What has this person done that deserves this type of honor. Must be specific on the journey. Dates, times accomplishments that others would like to travel! Hand written documentation will not be accepted. Minimum of 2 pages in times roman 12 font. All material will be validated ​the board.

Legend of the Year A legend of the year is a unique award. People should know who they are are on a global stage. What makes this person so unique. Are they fighters, teachers, philosophers, etc. Must justify in great detail. Validation will be required. No hand written document will be accepted. Use times roman with a 12 font size.

Humanitarian of the Year Humanitarian is a very privileged category. How this person has impacted the community or person in general. Documentation must be specific in detail for justification. All material must be validated ​the board.

Bronze Life Achievement Martial artist who have practiced diligently 15 to 20 years.

Silver Life Achievement Martial artist who have practiced diligently 20 to 30 years.

Most Improved of Student of the Year Students that have had a very difficult time during training, then without any rhyme or reason rose above to the total surprise of the instructors as well as the other students. Students also attempt to emulate this person.

All-Around Practitioner of the Year This person has excelled in every aspect of their training. They love the workouts and assist where needed. This person researches the whys and wherefores in each movement and attempts to make them better. Competition has never been this person’s desires. Just the love of the practice.

All-Around Competitor of the Year This individual has the “EYE of the Tiger” in forms, sparring , weapons, and one-step competition. Two (2) of the for (4) does not qualify for this category. Competitor must have competed in Forms, Weapons and Sparring during the year of nomination. Must be verified. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Outstanding Contribution to the Martial Arts This category is for anyone that has added quality and respect to the martial arts. Category is for martial artists and for non-martial artist. Martial artist must be of the intermediate level or higher. What that person has done for the school, the discipline of study, and the community involvement places themselves above all others.

Special Contribution to the Martial Arts This individual has performed a specific function that reflects on themselves, their fellow students, instructors and visitors. This individual’s unselfishness act has been noticed by the community and must be justified.

Parent of the Year - Martial Artist This parent does more than just attend class with or without their child. Places their child above all other factors in the world. This category is for Dad or Mom.

Forms Practitioner of the Year This individual enjoys the movements in the forms/kata. Understands the technique’s meanings and disciplines. When performing, this person is capable of demonstrating the beauty of the form as well as the combative nature of the form

Forms Competitor of the Year When watching this person compete, audience/spectators are awed by that performance. The competitor resembles pure beauty and skills. This individual competes as often as they can. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Parent of the Year - Non-Martial Artist This parent does more than just attend class with or without their child. Places their child above all other factors in the world. This category is for Dad or Mom.

Come Back Martial Artist of the Year There are times when a talented martial artist must leave practice to handle family issues, educational obligations as well as other issues. When this takes place, martial arts skills diminish rapidly. It is difficult to say when the issues will be remedied, however when it does, and this person puts their heart and soul back into their arts, this office feels only right to award for their diligence and dedication after their absence. Each person must be examined on a case by case basis. This award is not given lightly. ​Verbal document is all that is required between the nominator and the association director.

Golden Life Achievement Martial artist who have practiced diligently 30 to 40 years.

Weapons Practitioner of the Year This individual enjoys the movements in the of ancient weaponry. Understands the technique’s meanings and disciplines. When performing, this person is capable of demonstrating the beauty of the form as well as the combative nature of the form

Special Martial Arts Appreciation of the Year This is dedicated to the function of the school/academy. Whenever their is a function that needs to be accomplished, this person always stands up for the challenge no matter what the function is.

Platinum Life Achievement Martial artist who have practiced diligently 40 to 50 years.

Diamond Life Achievement Martial artist who have practiced diligently for more than 50 years.

Weapons Competitor of the Year When watching this person compete, audience/spectators are awed by that performance. The competitor resembles pure beauty and skills. This individual competes as often as they can. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Sparring Practitioner of the Year This individual enjoys mixing it up on the school floor. Not in preparation for competition, but for the joy. This person has never thought about sparring in competition, just to better his/her skills and to pass on those skills to others.

Association Director's Special Appreciation of the Year The has performed duties directed to the association. Dedication to the overall function of the association is the primary goal of this martial artist.

Special Individual Achievement of the Year Has demonstrated knowledge and willingness to work with others without the aid of the instructor. Desires for the total growth of the martial arts within his/her community. Reflects highly of the school/academy which he/she attends.

Apprentice Master of the Year Martial artist who holds the rank of 4th degree black belt that is verifiable. This person is in a transition training position learning how to become a great master. Nominee must be in the martial arts for a minimum of 5 years and has good moral standards with no major criminal background.

Sparring Competitor of the Year When watching this person compete, audience/spectators are awed by that skills of the Fighter. Fighter must exhibit a winner’s attitude at all time. Win or loose, maintaining a positive image is first and foremost. Never brags and never insults his /her competitor. This individual competes as often as they can. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Public Servant of the Year - Law Enforcement Award to those who help protect us each and everyday. Their acts of kindness to those in need and bravery when facing others who may take their life away. They also assist with the bringing of infants into this world when called upon. They save lives without regard to their own.

Master of the Year Martial artist who holds the rank of 5th and/or 6th degree black belt that is verifiable. Nominee must be in the martial arts for a minimum of 10 years and has good moral standards with no major criminal background.

Supreme Master of the Year Martial artist who holds the rank of 7th degree black belt that is verifiable. Nominee must be in the martial arts for a minimum of 20 years and has good moral standards with no major criminal background.

Self-Defense Practitioner of the Year Self-defense is this person’s main interest. Practicing to accept what may come their way in the event any aggressive action will dominate the situation with excellence and survive. Assist the instructors to insure excellence from all students is true and not just for pacification purposes.

Public Servant of the Year - Firefighter Those who fight fire without regard to the safety of their own lives. Rush into burning buildings to save others.

Self-Defense Competitor of the Year While competing in this category, the individual must show true form in self-defense and not choreographed movements. Must be smooth as if a natural phenomena. This individual competes as often as they can. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Public Servant of the Year - E.M.T. These are those who come to our medical need. The association refers these people as part of the “God Squad”

Grandmaster of the Year Martial artist who holds the rank of 8th degree black belt that is verifiable. Nominee must be in the martial arts for a minimum of 25 years and has good moral standards with no major criminal background.

One-Step Practitioner of the Year One-step is this person’s main interest. Practicing to accept what may come their way in the event any aggressive action will dominate the situation with excellence and survive. Assist the instructors to insure excellence from all students is true and not just for pacification purposes.

Public Servant of the Year - Executive Protection These are the brave individuals that protect the President and dignitaries who visit our country. They also protect our entertainers from those who desires to cause harm.

Supreme Grandmaster of the Year Martial artist who holds the rank of 9th and/or 10th degree black belt that is verifiable. Nominee must be in the martial arts for a minimum of 30 years and has good moral standards with no major criminal background.

One-Step Competitor of the Year While competing in this category, the individual must show true form in one-steps with the intensity of a person defending their life. ​This individual competes as often as they can. Must compete in a minimum of four (4) tournaments to qualify for this category. Win/loose results is not a factor to receive this high honor.

Public Servant of the Year - Public Safety Trainer These are the instructors that keep the law enforcement offers and all law enforcement safe with updated training. All this training keeps all of us safe and sound

School of the Year School of the year is more than the aesthetics of the school. It is what is being taught. The quality, the technique, the respect, the history of the discipline. Some schools that qualify for this honor are located in community centers, in garages. Repeat is the over-all quality of instruction.

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